Grant Guidelines
As a private foundation, F. R. Bigelow Foundation provides grants for nonprofit organizations and public entities in Minnesota’s East Metro area of Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties.
A Complete
This section includes our program overview and geography, funding priorities, eligibility, the types of grants we fund, and how to apply.

Program Overview
F. R. Bigelow Foundation believes that our community should not only benefit from our work, but inform and form it as well. Creating solutions to today’s issues requires a collaborative approach. Our work is also rooted in a commitment to racial equity.
Along with our partners the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation and Mardag Foundation, throughout 2024 we engaged in a community-informed process to redesign our grant program.
Beginning in 2026, F. R. Bigelow Foundation will make grants using new application processes and updated funding priorities. We anticipate posting detailed guidelines and application information late in 2025 with the first applications due and grants made in early 2026. View more on our grant redesign page.
2025 Transitional Grant Rounds
To create the capacity our staff needs to operationalize these changes, F. R. Bigelow Foundation will implement two transitional grant rounds in 2025. Our Grants Team will contact organizations to apply in 2025. We will not have an open application round in 2025.
Organizations that applied for and/or received grants in 2022, 2023 or 2024 may be invited to apply for a transitional grant. Only organizations invited to apply will be eligible for this grant program in 2025.
In late February 2025, the Grants Team will reach out to organizations invited to apply and work with them to submit a simplified application in March 2025. These grants will be approved by May 2025.
Beginning in June 2025, our team will identify any additional organizations that will be invited to apply for a second round of transitional grants. Simplified applications will be submitted in September 2025. These grants will be approved by November 2025.
For the 2025 transitional grants, we will offer general operating, program/project, and capital grants. Our general focus areas remain unchanged. The Foundation considers for nonprofit organizations and public entities fostering a vibrant East Metro region and seeking to achieve racially and economically equitable outcomes in the areas of arts & culture, economic & community development, education & youth development, health, housing and human services.
Funding Priorities
F. R. Bigelow Foundation has six focus areas and will consider proposals that address one or more of the following:
Arts & Culture
Strengthening the arts & culture sector to serve all individuals and all communities across the East Metro region by supporting general operations and capital projects
- The Foundation shares Grantmakers in the Arts’ view that all “peoples, their cultures, and their art contribute to the meaning and understanding of our humanity and should be honored and celebrated.”
- Priority will be given to arts and culture organizations that seek to amplify narratives and voices across BIPOC communities and other communities experiencing marginalization (e.g., people with disabilities, low-income communities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, formerly incarcerated people, etc.) through the arts.
Community & Economic Development
Building a strong and vital East Metro through community building, physical development and strengthening support for low-income individuals, families and underrepresented communities through workforce development and training
- The Foundation seeks to invest and partner in solutions informed and formed by the people facing the highest barriers to wealth creation, economic security and family-sustaining career pathways. In the East Metro, this includes BIPOC, women, veterans, young people, people with disabilities, formerly incarcerated people and LGBTQIA+ people.
- Specific priorities for wealth creation include strengthening the entrepreneur ecosystem and increasing local ownership of businesses and homes.
- Regarding economic security, the Foundation recognizes the importance of anchor institutions embedded at the neighborhood level. For workforce development, we will prioritize employment pathways that meet the needs of individuals and employers alike.
Education & Youth Development
Supporting under-served children, youth and young adults by investing in access to high-quality education and youth development both in and out of school from cradle to career
- The Foundation recognizes how important it is for students and young people to feel cared for, protected, valued and seen after a difficult period in their learning and growth. This is complex and urgent work, and the Foundation will prioritize organizations that blend academic, social and emotional support for young people most impacted by educational inequity.
- The Foundation will also prioritize support to organizations working to build a robust early childhood system that gives children and families access to high-quality care and education programs.
Increasing health equity through quality, affordable, culturally relevant services, particularly for low-income, uninsured, under-insured and socially marginalized individuals
- The Foundation continues to prioritize health organizations that focus on health equity and increasing access to affordable, culturally relevant health services.
- The Foundation hopes to better align its health grants to be inclusive of programs and organizations that serve low-income families, provide free or affordable, culturally relevant services, and holistic care.
- Given the increase in severity, cost of and demand for mental health services, urgent care and/or crisis prevention, access to reproductive health care, trauma-informed health care, and free or reduced services for uninsured or underinsured communities, the Foundation will prioritize these programs and organizations to continue to serve our most vulnerable and marginalized communities.
Improving access for low-income individuals and families to affordable quality housing, preventing and ending homelessness
- The Foundation embraces the vision for housing justice articulated by the Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness.
- The Foundation will prioritize work that ensures the most marginalized people experiencing housing instability and homelessness are able to access housing that is “safe, decent, affordable,” and “free of prejudice” while also receiving the additional support and services they need.
Human Services
Investing in basic needs for individuals and families, helping them be safe, stable and independent
- The Foundation will prioritize grants that assist residents in navigating life transitions, finding safety and stability, and promoting independence.
- In addition to supporting work that centers the voices of the people most impacted by an organization’s work, special priority will be given to disability support services, child welfare support services, family and parent support services, food relief and assistance, older adult services, immigration and legal services, and re-entry supports for formerly incarcerated people.
Our primary geographic focus is the Greater Saint Paul metropolitan area, which includes Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties, with a particular emphasis on serving people who live or work in the city of Saint Paul.
Grant Application Resources
Grant resources include key dates and instructions on how to register for and use GranteeView, our grant application portal.
Grants Team
You are welcome to email a member of our Grants Team. The Grants Team is available to discuss your grant eligibility and answer your questions.
Grants can be made to 501(c)3 organizations, education or governmental units and religious institutions. Grants can also be made to groups working through an eligible fiscal sponsor.
Only organizations invited to apply will be eligible for this grant program in 2025. Attention and preference will be given to organizations:
- Prioritizing people experiencing the most marginalization, especially due to race, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation, age, ability, immigration status, etc.
- Where work is informed, formed and led by the people most impacted by it.
The Foundation will not consider grant support for:
- Capital projects located outside Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties
- Organizations not primarily serving residents of Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties
- Sectarian religious programs or organizations
- Grants to individuals
- Medical research
Current & Past Grant Status
Current grantees are eligible for funding that would begin after the end of their current grant period. Nonprofits that have received three years of consecutive funding are eligible for a grant. Please contact a member of our Grant Team with questions.
Types of Grants
The Foundation will consider grant applications for:
General Operating Support
These grants provide flexible funding for nonprofits in which at least 50% of the organization’s services benefit residents in the East Metro (Dakota, Washington and Ramsey counties).
Capital Projects
To be eligible for capital support, capital projects must be located in the East Metro AND 50% or more of all services provided by the entire organization must benefit East Metro (Washington, Dakota and Ramsey counties) residents. Grants are designed to support investment in buildings, facilities and equipment. Foundation investments are typically limited to buildings owned by nonprofits or held by long-term lease agreement. These grants are generally paid over multiple years.
Program/Project Grants
These grants provide funding for programs/projects serving 50% or more East Metro residents.
Any organization is eligible for this type of grant, regardless of overall geographic focus.
How to Apply
In 2025, organizations that applied for and/or received grants in 2022, 2023 or 2024 may be invited to apply for a transitional grant.
1. Talk to the Grants Team
The Grants team will work with identified organizations to submit a simplified application.
2. Find Application Materials
Review grant round dates and materials to help you apply.
3. Register and Apply
All grant applicants must register for GranteeView to apply for a grant. Registration is open now and registration instructions are available.